
来源:深圳美灵星临床心理专科   时间:2022-10-26 09:25:08
2020年3月,深圳美灵星临床心理专科门诊部引进美国Tucci Learning Solutions,Inc先进的CLM(青少儿精神康复系统)以后,完成中国CLM专利技术申报备案,获取中国国家版权局专利技术证书。近两年来,随着康复中心孩子们越来越多,美灵星一直有一个心愿,希望对CLM创始人及Vicci Tucci女士及其项目主任Kristen女士、康复培训主管Ran-Ann女士、临床大区主任Christina女士、BCBA&CLM教练Danielle女士等进行深度访问,今天我们这个愿望实现了,首先我们为大家介绍美国CLM项目主任Kristen女士,以下是记者对她的访谈实录。

、Reporter:Dear Ms. Kristen, Hello! It is an honor to have the opportunity to interview you. CLM has a history of nearly 40 years. How many countries are using the CLM system and how effective is it? How many states in the U.S. use the CLM system, how many children have you treated, and other than the autistic group, who is suitable for CLM rehabilitation training?
Kristen:There are currently 8 countries implementing the CLM outside of the US. France, UAE, Canada, China, Saudi Arabia, Bulgaria, Malaysia, UK, Philippines. When CLM is systematically implemented, it produces a very efficient learning with really high outcome. It is a very efficient way to learn and to teach. They are currently 5 states in USA that have CLM implementation. We have about 25 licensed CLM implementations inside the USA. I mean thatcould be a few more, but I think around 25 implementations right now in the US. To answer that, i would say that Vicci Tucci, the CEO and a founder of competent learner model. It is hard to say how many people have been trained exactly in CLM, but I think because the CLM is a train the trainer model,you coach peopleand then they coach others. I would say thousand of learners have been impacted by CLM across 40 years of works.

The competentlearner model really teaches the skills that educators need to teach kids to participate in their education, in life,in their job. It suitable for anyone really, for any child who is struggling to participate in a learning environment, would benefit form the CLM instruction. It could be useful in preschool, in special education setting and rehabilitation clinic that focus on behavioral analysis, like the Maxstar Clinic. And also you know, any family with the child who is struggling with behavior challenges would benefit from CLM. 

Kristen:CLM(青少儿精神康复系统)总部在美国加州,在过去40年里,除了在加州、宾夕法尼亚州、维吉尼亚州等美国5个州普及使用之外,CLM康复系统还在法国、英国、阿拉伯联合酋长国、加拿大、中国、沙特阿拉伯、保加利亚、马来西亚、菲律宾等10多个国家广泛应用。目前CLM在美国已经获得了大约25个许可证,再加上云技术的应用,CLM的使用者在全球数量急剧增加,这真是一个让人感到神奇事情,就连CLM系统的发明人——Vicci Tucci女士,她都很难说清有多少人受益于CLM的培训。


2、Reporter:As a mature project, CLM is used in many developed countries. On June 29, 2019, the CLM project was officially introduced to China Maxstar clinic. What kind of preparatory work have you done?
Kristen: that’s a good question, I would say to prepare for this implementation, it’s part of Vicci original dream to have a mission creating a nation of competent learners. So having a vision come first. And second looking for people who believe in share value to have everyone participated equally in work, in school, in society. So we look for people we share the value, and then we looking people who are playful, and we look for people who want to make other people live better, who wanna do good work. The work that we do is seeking people who really care and who want to do the work for the kids. When we found people like that, like we found Dr. Dinxin Jia. She has a real heart for this work, she is highly skill and she came to California and train with us. We have sponsor working with us in our agency. Individually form China specifically and they come to California and they work with us directly. And they are helping us translate the competent learner model into Chinese, which is a big challenge. But that is part of cooperation for expending the model into China to make sure that the curriculum and the resources are available for people in China. 

3、Reporter:Professor DingxinJia has worked for Tucci Company in the United States for many years. What kind of work does she work in and why did you send her to China Maxstar clinic to promote the CLM project? How do you rate her?

Kristen: She is amazing of course. I mean we love her. When she came to California, she came to work in 2019. And she started working directly in a home program as a one to one therapist. And she has been trained in the coaching model. She has also attended the training to be CLM coordinator, which is allowing her to bring the CLM to Maxstar Clinic by going through the course work and study, and practicing as a one to one therapist. That allow expand the CLM into another setting. So we love working with her, we think that she so playful with the kids. She such a supportive, a very supportive coach and colleague. I think she is a great CLM coach. 


4、Reporter:In the future, what is the goal of the CLM project in China?

Kristen: Well, we really would love to strengthen our partnership with the Maxstar Clinic by expanding the coaches. You know you have to get someone train. And then they have to know how to train the next person. This is the train the trainer model and so to expand the project in China will relyl  on someone being train and then being able to train the next person. It’s vital to find people who want to be a good coach. That would help the kids. We really want to expand the concept of playful engagement for services in China. That is one of the principles of the CLM is playful engagement and so teaching people how to teach through play is necessary component. 


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